Clinical implications and Proteomics of Bronchiectasis Progression in Smokers
Organization: National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institue
Start Date: 05/2024
End Date: Ongoing
Primary Goal: Goal 4: Increase and sustain research to better understand the prevention, pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment, and management of COPD.
Secondary Goal(s):
- Help expand, coordinate, and optimize COPD research efforts
Collaboration: Brigham and Women's Hospital
Activity Type: Research
Activity Description
Bronchiectasis is an abnormal enlargement of the airways. We will use an automated approach to identify bronchiectasis on lung images and study its changes over time. We will then assess the association of those changes with lung function and identify people at risk of bronchiectasis worsening on lung images.Audience
General Audience: Researchers
Focused Audience: n/a
Program Reach: National
Type of Area: N/A
Setting: Workplace
Cost and Funding Sources
It was funded through the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute and funds to be allotted to grantees.Impact Analysis
Results of their programs are in progress.Advice or Lessons Learned
In process.Contact Information
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institue
Program Analyst