Respiratory Patient Advocacy Summit
Organization: American Association for Respiratory Care
Start Date: 06/2023
End Date: Ongoing
Primary Goal: Goal 1: Empower people with COPD, their families, and caregivers to recognize and reduce the burden of COPD.
Secondary Goal(s):
- Increase public awareness of the risk factors and symptoms of COPD so that earlier diagnosis of symptomatic individuals becomes the norm
- Expand opportunities to increase COPD awareness across the public-private spectrum
Collaboration: We worked alone
Activity Type: Patient education
Activity Description
An online, virtual event for patients with chronic lung disease (COPD) to educate them on their disease, self care, and self-advocacy. This aligns with Goal One of the COPD National Action Plan, which reads: Empower people with COPD, their families, and caregivers to recognize and reduce the burden of COPD.Audience
General Audience: Patients
Focused Audience: n/a
Program Reach: National
Type of Area: Urban, Suburban, Rural
Setting: Online
Cost and Funding Sources
$10,000 in funding has been acquired via Zambon and Philips. Staff/resource costs = ~ $8,000Impact Analysis
The event has not yet taken place.Advice or Lessons Learned
Be sure you have appropriate access to the patients your are targeting (e.g. email addresses)Contact Information
American Association for Respiratory Care
Chief Operating Officer